Why It’s Time To Clean Your Carpets

Newcastle, it is time to start cleaning and maintaining those carpets! Obviously having a dirty carpet is never ideal, and appearance is what may come to mind when we tell you to clean your carpets. However, there is actually more to it than just making your space ‘look’ clean.

Most believe that a quick five-minute vacuum does the trick, but we are here to tell you that is not the case. Keep reading to learn why you should hire a carpet cleaning service to get the deep clean your space deserves.

Appearance & Smell

A dirty carpet does not send a good impression to your customers or friends and family. Just think about how you would feel if you went into your accountant’s office and there were stains everywhere. It may just inspire you to seek a new accountant! After all, if they can’t keep their carpets clean, how will they treat your business?

It’s never nice to be in a stinky open or enclosed space. Don’t put your customers or visitors through this! Keeping your carpets cleaned regularly will ensure that they always smell fresh and clean.


Yes, you read the heading correctly! Having dirty carpets can actually lead to a decline in your overall health. The same way that your carpets protect you, i.e. trapping dust, hair and bacteria, etc., can also be the same reason they affect you negatively if you don’t remove them on a regular basis through cleaning.

The most obvious of these negative health causes is allergies. Having dirt, fur and dust trapped in your carpet fibers can cause your allergies to act up. The same logic also applies if you have anyone in your house who suffers from asthma.

Another reason, which may not seem so obvious, is your kids. Children will eat anything off of anything. Protect your children by ensuring that if they drop food onto the carpet, pick it up and eat it, they are at less risk for salmonella thanks to your regular carpet cleaning.

Clearly, investing in professional carpet cleaning is a necessity to ensure your carpets’ longevity and good hygiene. If you would like help with this, we at Panda Clean Australia provide carpet cleaning in Newcastle. Contact us today to get a quote!